In November/December 2016 we finnally completed the Crash test of the NAG. Purpose was to crash test the impact of a 900 kg car, a 1.500 kg car and 10 ton truck against the H1 Road Safety Barrier for ground with noise panel mod. EasyRail NA
AISICO Crash Test Laboratory performed a Crash Test - TB32 # 1463 in date 2016/11/29, TB11 # 1464 in date 2016/11/29 and TB42 # 1465 in date 2016/11/30 on VOLKMANN & ROSSBACH GmbH & Co.KG - LH Road Safety Barrier for ground with noise panel mod. EasyRail NA, according with the standard EN1317-1/2:2010. Results of crash test # 1463-1464-1465 comply with the acceptance criteria of the standard EN1317-1/2:2010.
For more information, please contact our partner Volkmann & Rossbach G.m.b.H.